Stopping along busy US1 in Wells, Maine, Martin has a conversation with gallery owner ,Corey Daniels and gallery director/artist, Miles Spadone. Cory discusses his transitions from 18th century period furniture, to today’s contemporary art which he displays in a beautiful setting. Check out: check out their busy Facebook page as well.
An interview at the Colby College Museum of Art with: Elizabeth Finch, Lunder Curator of American Art; Hannah Blunt, Langlais Curator for Special Projects and Lauren Lessing, Mirken Curator of Education as they all discuss the Lunder Collection and exhibition. At over $100 million, the largest and most significant gift of art to any institution of higher learning ever. Visit the Website and ‘Like’ on Facebook
Show Notes: Hear his journey of starting out with a $70 broken Shaker rocker in the 1970s, to the top end of folk art as well as his Connecticut contemporary art gallery. Listen in for the insight of Fred Giampietro, a key player in the antique and fine art world. Visit: