178. Gary Sohmers, King of Pop Culture

178. Gary Sohmers, King of Pop Culture

Aloha, it is a fun interview with the ‘psychic appraiser’ and king of Pop Culture, Gary Sohmers. He knows the value of 100,000 useless objects and is nationally recognized expert in the world of collectibles. Listen in as he talks about his beginnings, and how the business has changed and much more. Check out his radio show Tuesdays 10-11:00 AM EST and North East Comic Con.

126. Colleene Fesko on Cape Ann Art

126. Colleene Fesko on Cape Ann Art

Colleene Fesko, frequently seen on the hit PBS television series Antiques Roadshow talks about the John Gale Art Collection of Cape Ann School paintings. She also discusses the internet’s changing affects on the art market, fakes and more. Check out the John Gale video of him describing his collection. The auction will be held at James Julia Auctioneers.

106. Leigh Keno

106. Leigh Keno

You have seen him and his bother Leslie hundreds of times on the  PBS Antiques Roadshow, Leigh Keno and Martin discuss aspects of Keno Auctions, (est. in 2009), fine Period American furniture, and the effects of restorations of vintage autos to fine period furniture. They also talk about Modern Art, today’s hot trends and more. Check out: kenoauctions.com Also, check out Keno Bros line of furniture: kenobroscollection.com