Modernistic Silver in Lincoln Massachusetts

Modernistic Silver in Lincoln Massachusetts

by Martin Willis

If you happen to be one of the 5,000 people to live in a beautiful country town to the west of Boston, Lincoln, Massachusetts then you had the chance recently of owning a local treasure of modernism. During a recent call from my friend Doug Stinson, I learned about a benefit auction he was donating his services at in his home town. He said there was some incredible modernistic silver he was auctioning off the next day, the work of which rivals designs by known silversmith, Georg Jensen. Read more

154. Jeffrey Herman, Silver Care

154. Jeffrey Herman, Silver Care

Jeffrey Herman passionately discusses how to care for silver, plus freely gives many other tips for the collector or buyer. His comprehensive website has all the advice you may ever need: care

69. Ruth Rhoten on Silver

69. Ruth Rhoten on Silver

Click image for details of restoration; before and after of the Fire Trumpet

Martin visits artisan Ruth Rhoten, silversmith, goldsmith & artist at her studio. They talk about her wonderful silver making as well as her antique silver conservation work for dealers and collectors nationwide. (we apologize for the background noise of heavy rain)

Ruth’s website: Here.

Our video at the studio: Here.