What People Collect

What People Collect

If it exists, it is collected by someone. In my long career in the antiques and auction business, I have seen the vast variety of items that people collect.

The reason people usually start collecting is, a connection. Not with the objects per say, but with memories. Sometimes people just plain collect because they realize something appeals to them, this has happened to me with fine art.

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136. Randolph St. Market Anniversary Special

136. Randolph St. Market Anniversary Special

Recorded live in Chicago, a special Round-Robin format podcast celebration of the 10th Anniversary of Randolph Street Market, with co-founder Sally Schwartz, Kathy Finley, Nena Ivon, Harry Rinker, Susan Klein Bagdade, Al Bagdade, Greg Willett, Danielle Arnet, and former podcast co-host Phyllis Kao. A celebration of the anniversary as well as a discussion on the antiques market place makes this a fascinating podcast for all who are interested in antiques and vintage.

132. Lee Kalfon, The Millennial Generation & Antiques

132. Lee Kalfon, The Millennial Generation & Antiques

Martin chats with Lee Kalfon about what is going on in the antique world and the opinions of Generation Y. They talk about why younger people may have lost some interest in antiques. They discuss vintage and repurposing as well as steampunk movements.

114. Caroline Ashleigh on Wine

114. Caroline Ashleigh on Wine

Antiques Roadshow & HG-TV’s Caroline Ashleigh  joins Martin for an in depth look at appraising, evaluating and auctioning fine wines.

Visit: auctionyourwine.com

Brimfield, Social Media & Antiques Collide

photos by Kate Manko

The year is 2012, the Large Hadron Collider is trying to separate the tiniest of particles, the Kepler Mission is finding all kinds of planets in other solar systems, and the antique market is colliding with social media.

In my attempt to be an antique geek, I am now sitting in the VIP tent at the Brimfield Tweet up. It  is nicely decorated and I dare say the fanciest tent on the grounds. I am looking around and realize I am the only male in the tent of around a dozen or so 20-30-something year old females. Most of which look like they are in the throws of writing something. It actually warms my heart to see young people typing away here at Brimfield. I mean who would have thunk? Even if they are not really interested in antiques, they are writing to what I would assume would be a young audience who may find out about this fun event.

My feet are tired and my brain hurts as I just walked what I would guess would be half the show. It is an upbeat event and I saw camera crews everywhere as they are filming PBS Market Wars. My search has been unsuccessful so far to find something that I can’t live without, but I will remain optimistic.

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The way it is From West to East

The way it is From West to East

It has been way too long since I posted my last blog. I love to write and hope to do more soon.

On my way to the Randolph Street Market in Chicago, I had left California with a day or two to spare. In taking my time, I thought I would stop at antique stores in little towns along the way. In a number of stops, people were not to crazy about the state of antique sales. However, in one store in Iowa, a man said it was his best year in the last ten. He was selling refinished oak furniture, go figure? I had to look at a calendar at a local store to make sure I had not passed through a time warp, back to 1985. … Read more